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Beautiful Istria

Explore Istria from above - from coast and islands to rural Istria

45 min
365 eura
Airport Vrsar

Opis usluge

Explore Istria from above. We'll take off from Vrsar airport and instantly fly over lovely Lim Fjord. We follow the beautiful west coast of Istria and fly northbound. We'll fly over the city of Poreč and continue inbound the center of Istria. We'll visit beuatiful hilltop villages Grožnjan and Motovun. We'll explore many vineyards and olive tree gardens. On our way back to Vrsar you can enjoy in the view of wonderful rural Istira on one side and endless blue Adriatic sea on the other side. Price for entire flight: 365€ Max number of passengers: 3 Duration of flight: 45min Type of aircraft: Cessna 172

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Pravila otkazivanja

[EN] Cancellation is free and 100% refundable up to 48 hours prior the flight. Flights canceled by a passenger after 48 hours prior the flight won't be refunded. [HR] Otkazivanje leta je besplatno te ćete dobiti povrat novca u slučaju da otkažete let najkasnije 48h prije rezerviranog termina. Ukoliko otkažete svoj let unutar 48h prije rezerviranog termina, nemate pravo na povrat novca. [EN] Maximum weight for all passengers total is 250kg. Maximum weight per passenger is 120kg. Maximum height is 200cm. [HR] Najviša dopuštena težina za sve putnike zajedno je 250kg. Najviša dopuštena težina pojedinog putnika je 120kg. Najviša dopuštena visina putnika je 200cm.

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